Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I love the reflectivity of this space. its a great space in general because of its from, openness, location, and features. The high gloss effect of the materials chosen along with the lights ( that are probably only needed at night because of all the glass) and the effect that the water plays with the reflection create a dynamic space.

blue + green + yellow+ red

the lighting isn't really what drew me to the images as much as the color did. but since we have been talking about color i found it relevant to place these on my blog. the overhead lighting is bright (incandescent?) but the reflectivity of the glossy paint place apart in the brightness. there are also smaller light fixtures located throughout the space like the task lighting by the built-in desk.

in the dark

This image is of an exhibition space that uses light to direct the user's attention to the pieces on display. Not only have they added a bright directed light onto the pieces but they have darkened the space around them to make those items seem even more important.

light from above

light + product

im really interested in different types of lighting fixtures. this one is very interesting and dynamic because of its unusual shape, orientation, color, and the way it is mounted. I believe it uses led but am not sure. I think it is a successful design.

light |1|

This image drew my attention because of the reflectivity of the surfaces as well as the colors and contrasts in the space.
The glass, metal, and polished surfaces and drama to the space. The black ceiling keeps your eyes focused on everything happing below.


i love this image because of the sharp contrast of light and color.

chromatic contrast:color contrast / color difference between tow or more colors

luminance contrast: measured brightness difference between two or elements or details in the viewed scene as perceived by typical, healthy eyes.